
Billy Watson TV

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Guest Stars


My Story

I performed comedy and poetry for over 20 years in Scotland and occasionally in Turkey where he lived for over 10 years. I put on a one man show at the Edinburgh Festival in 2002, 2009,2011, 2012, 2014, 2019 and 2021.

When I lived in Turkey I had a popular website called Antalya Living and he made blogs of my travels and time spent in the country. Since returning to Scotland in 2018 I have continued to blog about his life both performing and personal and has recently been doing nightly live shows on current affairs topics but with a comedic slant.

I performed both as myself and also as a few different comedy characters who in order of appearance were The Great White Shaft, Hamish McTavish/McScottie and the main one I done before the plandemic, Nob Stewart.

I also make video blogs in and out of character and interview and film people I find of interest such as conspiracy researchers, comedians, musicians and poets.

The purpose of this website is to showcase the various pieces of work I have done over the years as well as share some of the videos I managed to capture of the other artists.

I don’t claim to be anything other than what I am and the videos I make range from rough and ready to more polished productions.

I was brought up in a small town near Edinburgh called South Queensferry which is most famous for the Forth Rail Bridge which you can see on many postcards and souvenirs about Scotland. I got a job in the large petrochemical factory in Grangemouth when I was 16 and I moved through to Falkirk when I was 17 to by myself, although my friends made sure I was never lonely as it became hang out central.

I met a Turkish women who was studying in Sheffield when I went to see The Rolling Stones there in 1995 and one year and twelve days later we got married….mainly so I could escape the lifestyle I had with my friends.

It was ok for them, they could come and go as they pleased, I had to drink with everyone in turn. We had a son in 2004 and in 2006 we decided to move to Antalya in Turkey where we had been visiting to see my wife’s parents.

I got divorced in 2010 but decided to stay in Turkey to be close to my son, however I felt a bit homesick and returned to Scotland in October 2013.  After returning to Antalya for a holiday in June 2014 to see my son, I realised what I had left behind and so decided to move there in August 2014.

I was very happy to be back in Turkey and although I found it difficult to find places to perform in Antalya, I did travel around the region and wrote about my adventures which also included getting married to a second Turkish lady. Things were a bit of a struggle in the end and I got divorced and brought my son back to Scotland for his education but when they wanted him to wear a mask at school I removed him and he is now back in Turkey studying music and living with his mother.

I have a new partner called Emma who helps with my video marketing business and also brings me my scarves and water just like Charlie Hodge used to do for Elvis.

There will be a book out soon which collates a lot of the writing on this site and goes further into my mad adventures so stay tuned for that if you fancy a mad read.

I have since closed down my Antalya Living website and imported the blogs to my Turkey section. I have been interviewed for 5 different expat websites. You can view them all by clicking here.

Your Host

Your Support Is Appreciated

I have spent a long time putting this site together and would appreciate any feedback or comments from anyone who is interested in my work otherwise I feel like I am talking to myself, which to be fair I mainly have been for the past 20 odd years!

During the lockdown I did build up a bit of a following on facebook but I got hacked and they refuse to give me my profile back.  Add that to getting loads of videos removed from Youtube and Vimeo removing my channel which had 10,000 videos on it, it’s a wonder I am still going.  It has been a lot of work to get all my interviews and various other blogs back on the site but there is still a lot more in the background waiting for when I get the time to add the codes from where I have them stored now.

Ideally I’d like to get out the day job and focus on this site solely so your support can help me do that, even if it is just for the premium £5 a month membership, it would be much appreciated so please help me continue doing what I love to do, make people laugh and think which is not encouraged these days by the powers that be, hence my shadowbanning and why I am focusing on my own platform rather than support theirs.

I even have my own social site which you can join for free by clicking here.

I hope to see you on the inside.


Designer & Entrepreneur

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