Billy Watson TV Podcast
Billy Watson interviews researchers, musicians, comedians and alternative thinkers.

Listen to all of my interviews which I make available for free.
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Your Host
Billy Watson
Not long after I built my first website for Nob Stewart back in 2006, I interviewed Stephen Russell a.k.a The Barefoot Doctor when I went to see his show down in London. I done a few other interviews as Nob Stewart for local bands, Viva Stereo and Night Noise Team as well as a comedian friend of mine, Kieron Butler.
I started interviewing people online in 2012 when I was listening to a radio show on a daily basis while living in Turkey which had Kate Of Gaia, Santos Bonaci and Tony Kilvert hosting it. They had a guest on one day called Steven D Kelley, who talked about the Getty Museum having tunnels underneath it which were being used for all kinds of crazy things and as I wanted to find out more I reached to him and was glad when he accepted. This made me realise that I could talk to people I found interesting and share that chat with others so that I wasn’t the only one to learn from their knowledge.
I hooked up with a comedy website around that time which got me access to people like Tom Stade, Stuart Francis and even Paul Daniels, which was quite a surreal experience at the time, talking to someone that famous.
It was when convid came along and I discovered the work of the researchers and authors Dawn Lester and David Parker who had written a book called What Really Makes You Ill that I was inspired to reach out to them to get them to explain what they were talking about in terms of the fact there is no virus ever been proven to exist.
One interview has led to another and in the years since I have had great conversations with many interesting people from Conspiracy Music Guru, Kunt and the Gang, Andrew Kaufman and even David Icke and his son Gareth.
I have made all of them available for free above to listen to and if you would like to watch the interviews they are in the premium section which you can join for only £5 per month. If I didn’t have to work a day job I would be able to do more interviews but I do what I can.
Hope you enjoy the shows and if you have any suggestions for someone you would like me to interview feel free to get in touch.